Holocaust  Strategies

 Holocaust study units are common in secondary schools and offer an almost unparalleled opportunity to examine ethical issues within historical context. Several outstanding comprehensive sources of curriculum materials are available to schools. Teaching Ethics will now begin to post new supplementary materials and strategies to assist and enrich teaching inputs. Ethicsineducation.com also invites the submission of original curriculum ideas and materials from practicing educators.


An important and useful Holocaust posting is a translation of some pages from a Nazi history text used in German schools during the National Socialist period. The book is titled: Der Weg zum Reich (The Road to Empire). Helping students to understand frame of reference is a critical step in sorting out complex ethical issues. The myth making of the Nazi regime and its impact on the youth of Germany cannot be overstated. Reading and discussing selections from this infamous Nazi school book can be a powerful teaching tool.

Der Weg zum Reich


The persistent propaganda that permeated Nazi schools subverted one of Europe's most respected educational systems and converted it into a frighteningly effective tool to indoctrinate a generation of Germans. A few translated lessons from Nazi mathematics books can serve to generate fruitful discussion.

Some Nazi Mathematics Lessons


A few less common images from the NS period can add to the teacher's repertoire of effective ethics discussion starters and greatly enrich historical study of this period.

 Nazi Images SE

  Nazi Images TAE


